### # # ### # # # # # # # ### # ### # # ### Version 1.91, by Philippe Duby, February 27, 1994 1 / Purpose of DKI 2 / Technical details 3 / Use examples 4 / List of all DKI's commands 5 / Display description 6 / Historic 7 / Registration - Contacts I / Purpose of DKI ================== DKI (for DisK Information) was initially designed to give a clear view of your drives free disk space, especially placed at the end of the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. It was then completed by a more sophisticated analyse of the disk units, detailing the type (hard disk, network , ...) with technical information if available (details about partitions, cd-rom tracks, ...) and physical information (for IDE, SCSI, CDROM disks). Finally, it was extended to recursive file and directory management: you can count, find, analyse and delete files and directories. That's why it is now a real administration tool that you can use to study the mass storage of a computer : DKI without parameters gives you information about free disk space, DKI /p physical information, DKI /1 the repartition of data inside directories, DKI /s the biggest files, DKI /b performance, ... To get a summary of its possibilities, type DKI /?. This software is distributed as shareware. This means that you can use it and test it for 30 days, but you have to register if you are using it regularly. The registration fee is only US$ 10, so it's cheap for you but it will encourage me for the next DKI ... (see chapter VII). Finally, even if this program has been tested carefully for a long time and seems to work perfectly, I cannot warrant a perfect functioning and assume no responsability for any damage which may result from the use of DKI. II / Technical details ====================== 1) Identified programs ---------------------- - Operating systems: DOS, DR-DOS, Windows, DesqView, OS/2. - Disk compression: Stacker, Superstor, Double Disk, DoubleSpace. - Networks: Novell Netware Lite, 2.2, 3.11, PairWare, PC LAN, LanSmart, Lan Manager, Lantastic, Workgroups, Ftp drivers. - Disk-cache software: SmartDrive 4+, Pc-cache 8+, Norton Cache 5, 6 et 7 (Ncache2), Hyperdisk, Combi. - Ramdisk : Ms Ramdrive, Srdisk. - Miscellaneous : Mscdex, 4Dos, Ndos. 2) Identified disk units ------------------------ Floppy, Hard disk, ram-disk, compressed disk, SCSI syquest, CDROM, network, remote units (DRIVEMAP, INTERLINK), substituted units. 3) Collected physical data -------------------------- IDE disk's name, partitions, SCSI units (via ASPI), CDROM tracks. III / Use examples =================== 1) Global units state --------------------- => DKI State of all the units. => DKI C: D: State of specified units. 2) Technical information ------------------------ => DKI /p Note: if you have more than 25 lines of information, try: => DKI /pm Note: DKI is able to give you details even about non formatted IDE disks, or IDE disks with a format different from DOS. It can handle 2 controllers. 3) Full information ------------------- => DKI /v (or /vm) Note: in this mode, DKI counts all your files and directories, what possibly takes you too must time: press 'Esc' key to abort it. 4) Information about disks, directories --------------------------------------- => DKI c:\. DKI \windows Note 1: you can mix commands: DKI c: d: DKI c:\dos c:\windows d: Note 2: if you just want to study your PATH directories: DKI /e 5) Summary by directories ------------------------- => DKI \windows /0 Lists all the sub-directories from \windows, detailing the number of files inside, and the size occupied by the directory on the disk. => DKI C:\ /1 Lists all the first-level directories of drive C: => DKI d:\*.gif /1 (or 2 or 3) Lists all the directories of level 1, 2 or 3, containing .GIF files. Note: you can work on all your drives with a single command: => DKI $:*.exe /1 Lists the directories containing programs for all your drives. 6) Files information -------------------- => DKI c:\dos\*.exe Lists all the programs inside C:\DOS, specifying their date and size. => DKI c:\windows\*.dll /0 Lists all Windows's DLL, and displays their total size per directory. 7) Deleting a directory or a set of files ----------------------------------------- => DKI c:\windows /d Completely deletes a 'thing' called Windows ! => DKI $:*.swp /d Deletes all the files with extension SWP of all your drives. Note: if DKI encounters a read-only file, it asks you for confirmation before deleting it.. Note 2: you can create a DOSKEY macro: DOSKEY XDEL = DKI $* /D. 8) Analysing a set of files --------------------------- => DKI /s Lists the 10 biggest files from current directory and sub-directory. Sorted by decreasing size. => DKI $: /s Lists the 10 biggest files of your computer. => DKI d:\windows /ms30 Lists the 30 biggest files of Windows, in 50 lines mode. => DKI /t Lists all the files of your current directory modified today. Sorted by increasing time. => DKI $: /t1/1/94 Lists all your computer's files modified on 1/1/94 8) Unit drive benchmark ----------------------- => DKI c: /b Do a benchmark on unit C:, on the following rules : DKI creates a 4Mb files, calculate a coefficient r according the file creation speed, and do successively r*16 random reads of a 64Kb block, r*16 random writes of a 64Kb block, and the same thing for r*4 * 256 Kb and r*1 * 1 Mb (so 1 Mb is transfered each time). DKI displays the results of these tests, and the average speed. These values have been choosen carefully after several and long tests because their reflecting correctly the unit work : - 16 * 64K correspond to manipulating a lot of small files (program compilation, ...), - 4 * 256K correspond to medium sized files (images, ...), - 1 * 1M correspond to big files (Windows program, ...). Of course, if you have a disk cache, the results will be different, allowing you to compare the values. If you want to know the rough performance of your disk, you have to disable this cache. This test works on Cdrom drive, but you have to disable Cdrom caching. => DKI $: /b Tests all the units. Press 'Esc' to abort the test. IV / List of all DKI's commands ================================ /? : commands summary /0 : lists all the directories scanned during a file search. /1,2: same as above, but for directories before level 1 or 2 /a : displays with ASCII 7 bits filter and no color, to allow for example the storage of the result into a BBS message. /b : unit drive Benchmark. /d : Delete mode, to delete recursively directories and files specified Be careful with this command, because the deletion is quite fast, so you have no time to have regrets after having started it ! /g : d‚buGing information (for me). /e : scans the directories of the DOS PATH variable. /i : facilitates DKI's installation, by looking for an appropriate location where to copy DKI, and by updating your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to add DKI and an XDEL macro. /m : switches to Maxline mode (50 lines). /p : Physical information. /p : registration, by entering the name to register and its key. /s : display the n biggest files (sorted by Size). /t : display files modified d day (default = today, sorted by Time). /v : Verbose mode. /* : Full-information mode. /- : bypass ASPI-SCSI detection Note: if you want to print DKI results, you have to redirect the standard output on a file, and then print this file Example: DKI /p > DKI.TXT then COPY DKI.TXT PRN V / Display description ======================== DKI 1.91 by Philippe Duby (c)94 Running under DOS 5, Stacker 3, Netware 3.11, SmartDrive 4.1 - Release of elements ³ identified by DKI ÄÄŁ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Drive information ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Used Free Total C: Hard disk 1 ššššš±±±±±²²²²------ 19 + 8 = 28 Mb C:\ D: Stacker 1.5 ššššš±±±±±²²²²²ŪŪŪŪ- 351 + 23 = 375 Mb D:\PDEV E: Hard disk 1 ššššš±±±±±²²²²²ŪŪŪŪŪ 286 + 12 = 299 Mb E:\TMP F: Syquest ššššš±±±±±²--------- 41 + 44 = 85 Mb F:\ G: Subst D: š±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±- 20 / 375 Mb D:\SBPRO L: Netware 1 ššššš±±±±±²²²²²ŪŪ--- 209 + 46 = 255 Mb* DEV\VOL1:\ ä: Total-Host ššššš±±±±±²²²²²ŪŪŪ-- 623 + 90 = 713 Mb Phys= 327, Net=255 - - - - - - - Unit ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Current type Ł ³ Į ³ ³ ³ ĄÄ directory ³ bar display of ³ ³ ³ Unit nų ÄÄÄÄÄŁ disk space ³ ³ ĄÄÄ total size ³ ³ occupied space ÄÄŁ ĄÄÄÄÄ free space Notes: 1) In case of Stacker drive, the compression rate is displayed (1.5), and the total disk size is the real size (and not the theoretical which is usually the normal size multiplied by 2). 2) For substituted drives, the size occupied by the real drive is displayed in grey color. 3) At the end of the total line, Phys indicates the real physical size, and Net the real size accessible by network. 4) Total-host means the total size minus the size occupied by all the host files containing a compressed disk. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ File & directory information ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Files Dir ³ Used % ³ Free % ³ Total C:\*.* 656 10 ³ 20,652,032 70 ³ 8,730,624 29 ³ 29,384,704 D:\*.* 7,932 283 ³ 369,008,640 93 ³ 24,436,736 6 ³ 393,445,376 E:\*.* 380 15 ³ 300,474,368 95 ³ 13,262,848 4 ³ 313,876,480 E:\*.* 184 20 ³ 42,843,521 48 ³ 45,953,412 52 ³ 88,313,841 G:\*.* 259 13 ³ 21,372,928 5 ³ 24,436,736 6 ³ 393,445,376 L:\*.* 1,927 100 ³ 219,783,431 82 ³ 48,648,192 18 ³ 268,431,360 ä:\ 11,154 421 ³ 910,059,520 69 ³ 95,078,400 31 ³1,005,137,920 - - - - - - Analysed ³ Nb of ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ files Ł Files ³ Space used by Free space Total size Directories the files ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Physical information ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Cyl.Hd.ST ³ Total ³ Description Floppy 1 : 80. 2.18 ³ 1.44 Mb ³ Floppy 2 : 80. 2.15 ³ 1.20 Mb ³ Hard disk 1 : 700.16.60 ³ 328 Mb ³ Part 1.1 : 60. . ³ 28 Mb ³ DOS 16 bits (Active) ( 9%) Part 2.1 : 639. . ³ 299 Mb ³ DOS Extended ( 91%) IDE disk : 700.16.60 ³ 328 Mb ³ T 6D8C X 0 SCSI Host 1 : ³ ³ T7 ADAPTEC AHA-1520 (ASW-1210 Ver 3.1) Disk : 85.64.32 ³ 85 Mb ³ T3L0 SyQuest SQ5110 (SCSI-1) Net volume : ³ 344 Mb ³ DEV\VOL1 (100%) CD-ROM : 77'34'' ³ 682 Mb ³ ARTSHOW91B (status = 07B6) Track 1 : 68'42'' ³ 604 Mb ³ Data Track 2 : 2'05'' ³ 18 Mb ³ 2 Audio channels - - - - - - Physical name ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Nb of cylinders Ł ³ ³ ³ Ą Description or minutes ³ ³ ³ Nb of heads Ł ³ Ą Total size or seconds ³ Nb of sectors by tracks Total mem : 8 Mb (486 DX 33) Total disk : 412 Mb Total net : 344 Mb Total cdrom : 682 Mb Cache info : 2048 Kb for Dos, 2048 Kb for Windows, Success ratio = 73% - Data found in the cache /Total of cache access Ł Notes: 1) For Novell Netware, the total size may be superior to the size reported by DOS (because Novell can handle big clusters). 2) The partition are described by two numbers: the partition table number, and the entry number in this table. VI / Historic ============= 1.00 (11/92) ------------ - 1st version, which displays the free disk space of all drives. - Name: DFREE (Disk FREE space). 1.01 (01/93) ------------ - Correction of various bugs. 1.02 (02/93) ------------ - Various improvements. 1.03 (02/93) ------------ - Able to collect information about files and directories. - New name, adapted to the new functionalities: DDSIZE. 1.04 (03/93) ------------ - Verbose mode added. 1.05 (03/93) ------------ - Able to delete files and directories. 1.06 (04/93) ------------ - Improvements ... - New easier name: DKI - Creation of a documentation. 1.07 (04/93) ------------ - 7 bits display mode. - Creation of the pseudo-unit $, corresponding to 'all units'. - IDE disk identification. - Partitions information. - Rounding routines to display Kb and Mb. - SCSI access via ASPI interface. 1.08 (07/93) ------------ - Analyse of CDROM disks. - Details about cache software. 1.81 (08/93) ------------ - Version 1.80 = 1.08 - Correction of some bugs ... 1.82 (09/93) ------------ - If the command line contains files' references (*.C, WIN*.*, ...), DKI displays information on these (directory, date, size), to allow file search. - DKI displays the number of directories scanned during a search. - DKI handles international attributes (separator for thousand, order of date, help text (/?) in English). - New documentation. - Installation module. - Better management of SCSI disks via ASPI . - Improvement of deletion routines. - New routines of IDE detection (functions as IDEID). 1.90 (12/93) ----------- - DKI identifies IDE/ESDI units installed on a second controller. - English documentation for shareware version. 1.91 (2/94) ----------- - Correction of problems with some CD-ROM - Modified to work with Stacker 3.1 - Recognizes Windows for Workgroups 3.11 - If the file C:\DKI.INS is not existing, displays help screen - Able to find the n biggest files (default is 10) - Able to find the files modified the d day (default is today) - Benchmark for unit drives - Display an animation during initialisation of DKI - Offers to get back to 25 lines after using /m option (50 lines) - Added detection for Hyperdisk, Combi, Srdisk - Key registration Projects (??/94) ---------------- - Version 2.0 for Dos and Windows. Far projects (??) ----------------- - Version for NT, OS/2, Linux, ... Thanks ------ - Analysis, ideas, assistance: Jean-Daniel Pauget. - Technical advice: * Ralph Brown (Interrupt List) * Henry-Pascal Eldin (LanSmart) * Doug Merrett (IDE disks) * Bruno Sirletti, Michel Cerdini (SCSI disks) * Lindsay Vagg (CPU identification) - Betatesters: Lionel Drevon, Bruno Lassausaie, Georges Bourne (sysop of GEORGE'S HOME), Fran‡ois Heizmann (LL), Pascal Valette (sysop of LE LIEN), Henry-Pascal Eldin (LL), Cyril MORISSE (sysop of LOKI), Patrick Kuchard, Harold Ovsec (GH), Alain Gazet, Ivan Clement (GH), Vincent Mallet (Sysop of ZYLLIUS), Philippe Debray (ZY), Jean-Louis Matrat (ZY), Dominique Klein (ZY), Pascal Richard (GH), Serge Chenavard (GH), Luc Blateau (GH), Yves Charier (BY), Michel Rousseaux (BY), ... VII / Registration - Contacts ============================= Registration will bring you 3 benefits: - Your own version of DKI, - Access to the next version, - Explanations about how DKI works if you are interested in. To register, send me your address (mail and email), the name you want to register, your DKI's version and your payment (only banknotes). If you really can't send it in dollars, send the equivalent in your country money (I will start a money collection !). License cost : - 1 : $10 - to 50 : $10 * LicenseNumber * (1 - LicNb/100) - more : $300 I will send you back a key to register DKI, and the latest version if you have an old one. If you want to help me to improve this program, you can send me the results of your tests (by creating a report file with DKI /G >DKI.TXT), your remarks and suggestion, and any information (documentation, listings, ...) you could have about peripherals detection and so on ... Thanks a lot in advance! My addresses: ------------- Philippe Duby 7 rue Jules VallŠs 69100 VILLEURBANNE France COMPUSERVE : 73551,1561 INTERNET : duby@lanpc1.univ-lyon1.fr or duby@zen.gatelink.fr.net VIDEOTEXT : ZENITH RTC (+33), BAL : DKI The latest version of DKI can be found on the following hosts : --------------------------------------------------------------- BBS : ZYLLIUS 2:323/7 FidoOrg, (+33) (Magic name : DKI) COMPUSERVE : IBMHW SWREG Registration Id : 2199 INTERNET : ftp lanpc1.univ-lyon1.fr VIDEOTEXT : ZENITH RTC (+33)